
A tribute to the unknown greats and what I like to call their smooth science prowess.  Current discoveries are important and exciting, yes, but I enjoy to focus on a historical perspective.  Here I intend to focus on stories of science, scientists, and scientific achievement.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
11 March 2012

Well, hello.  I admit I have been lazy lately.  To top off the laziness, I will open this page with an essay I wrote in 2009.

There have been vast armies of forgotten scientists for every one remembered by the general populace.  The stories of those men and women, those lost in the corners and crevices of history, continue to exist through those they had influenced and the knowledge they had strove so hard to obtain and share.  The following is the story of a man who quietly changed the world from his bench at a small laboratory in Cambridge, England.  A man whose beloved hobby just so happened to lead him to some of the most incredible conclusions ever realized in the field of atomic physics . . .

Nick Mulder

Great minds are often built on foundations of childhood imagination and mischief. Francis William Aston was a natural-born explorer and tinker, and thus fit the mold well. Helen Aston, sister of Francis, recalled that he was enamored with fireworks and mechanical objects from a young age.l His first memorable experiment involved the study of soap bubbles, soon followed by his study of the reaction of sulfuric acid and zinc. The latter was carried out in secrecy in his family’s pigsty. The real experimentation began after building himself a laboratory over the stable on his family farm. His adoration of fireworks drove him to design small picric acid bombs and giant tissue paper fire balloons, which he used to put on shows for the community. He had no fear of delving into complex technical issues, and dedicated his time to things such as glassblowing and “winding miles of wire for his x-ray coil.”1 The laboratory over the stable was an excellent place for him to hone his scientific methods, but formal studies allowed him to explore in ways that the farm could not.

Francis William Aston was born August 31, 1877, in Camomile Green, England.2 His father was a metal merchant, and his mother the daughter of a prominent gunsmith. Aston spent most of his childhood playing on his family’s small farm, as their financial security allowed him ample time to build and explore. His schooling began under a woman by the name of Misses Tonks in Harbome and at age 12 he was enrolled in Harborne Vicarage School. Aston’s introduction to formal scientific instruction began two years later at Malvern College where he quickly rose to the top of his class in both mathematics and science. He moved his studies to Mason College two years later. The stay at Mason allowed him to feed his scientific appetite. Much of his free time was spent reading in the Grand Library, honing his glassblowing skills, and mastering the art of carpentry. Aston loved woodworking so much that he happily participated in the construction of the first chemistry laboratory at Mason. His formal studies there included chemistry instruction under Franklin and Tilden, and physics instruction under Poynting.3

After passing London Matriculation, Aston moved back into his father’s house where he built a laboratory in the attic. His initial studies focused on organic chemistry and “... in 1898 he was awarded the Forster Scholarship to work with Franklin on the optical rotational powers of a complex tartaric derivative.”l They finished their research and published a paper on the subject in 1901. It then became clear to Aston that he needed to find a source of income. With the intention of becoming a brewer, he enrolled at the School of Brewing where he studied fermentation chemistry under Adrian Brown. He was swiftly hired by Messrs. Butler & Co. in Wolverhampton and held the position for three years. Aston’s scientific studies, however, never took a back seat to his occupation.

Throughout his time as a brewer he had remained fascinated with vacuums and x-rays, which had been discovered in 1875. Much time was spent improving variations on the Sprengel pump, an instrument he had been making since childhood. Aston had become, by this time, an excellent glass blower. As his skill improved, so did his ability to make more precise pieces. He was able to make an “induction coil capable of giving a 3-inch spark”l and built his own version of a Toeler pump. His research led him to study electrical discharges in gasses. Of particular interest was what is called the Crookes dark space. Crookes dark space is a dark area located between the cathode glow and the vacuum glow in a low-pressure vacuum tube. Aston found while using the Toeler pump that he could make “a form of irreversible discharge tube with which the discharge of an induction could be rectified.”1 This meant he had found a way of measuring the Crookes dark space accurately. The great realization led him to return to Mason College, which had since become Birmingham University.
Aston was given a scholarship at Birmingham University to study the electrical discharges. The research mainly involved measuring the Crookes dark space of gases at varying currents and pressures. He published his first paper on the subject, “The length of the Crookes dark space” in Proceedings of the Royal Society in 1905.1 Further research into the subject earned Aston his first true discovery in 1907, which was detailed in the paper “The discovery of a new primary dark space,” also published in Proceedings of the Royal Society. Dubbed ‘Aston dark space,’ his discovery was that of an intensely dark region within the Crookes dark space. Quantification of the properties of this region “[pointed] to a fresh way for finding the respective contributions of positive ions and electrons to the current.”4 The Aston dark space existed in a thin region directly next to the cathode in a Geissler discharge. In 1908, upon the death of his father, Aston took leave from his work to travel the world. From 1908-1909 he traveled throughout the South Pacific, Canada and the United States. A warm welcome met him upon his return to Birmingham University where he was granted the position of physics lecturer. During his first term as lecturer a man named Sir J.J. Thompson contacted Aston. At the request of Thompson, a prominent British physicist, Aston promptly left Birmingham University and moved his studies to Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge.

Thompson was motivated to contact Aston by J.H. Poynting, a good friend of Thompson and former professor to Aston.1 Poynting had realized Aston’s potential very early in his career. The research Aston and Thompson performed was very similar in nature, thus Poynting decided it necessary for the two great minds to collaborate.

Thompson had made a name for himself by this time and was very well respected. His research on cathode rays caused him to ponder the nature of electricity, and in 1906 he made known his theory of the electron, the basic unit of electricity. In 1907 Thompson became interested in a discovery made in 1886 by Eugen Goldstein. While studying the same types of gas discharge in which Thompson was interested, Goldstein discovered that if a slit were to be cut in the cathode, “a beam of light appeared remote of the anode” which was characteristic of the specific gases involved.5 In 1898, Wilhelm Wien found that these beams of light could be deflected by a strong magnetic field, and that the deflection paths indicated the beams consisted of positively charged particles of atomic dimensions.5 The subject matter was intriguing to Thompson, who began to study the positive rays in 1907. Just as negatively charged particles formed at the cathode, species at the anode were positively ionized. Positive rays were attracted to the cathode, whose high field strength allowed the ions to pass directly through the slit. The positive rays were qualitatively different from the negative rays, as they changed color along the path and were not very responsive to magnetic fields as shown by Wien.
J.J. Thompson performed the first successful deflection of positive rays some time in 1909. Using both magnetic and electrostatic fields in parallel, he found the rays could be separated into beams of their constituents based on their response to the fields. The crossed-deflection paths, recorded on photographic plates, allowed Thompson to determine quantitatively how many different species were present and their respective charge to mass ratio. The paths formed by these particles were parabolic with their “axes parallel to the direction of the electrostatic field.”1

Recently hired by Thompson, Aston spent a great deal of time working on the already operational instrument. His extensive background in high-vacuum research and mastery of glassblowing gave Aston a very solid foundation. The instrument operated best at very low pressures, so precise parts were of utmost importance. Aston, the perfectionist that he was, believed that the separation and precision achieved by Thompson could be greatly improved upon. Barring a brief intermission during WWI, the next few decades of his life were dedicated to evolving Thompson’s primitive apparatus to one of the most technically complex, yet incredibly versatile analytical instruments used today.
The instrument as designed by Thompson had very poor resolution. Improvements made with the help of Aston allowed “parabolas corresponding to mass differences of 10%”5 to be resolved by 1912. Early research became puzzling to the men during a study of the parabolic paths of neon gas. As purification was still an emerging art at the time, it was not uncommon for impurities to appear in samples. The mystery, however, involved two parabolas on the plate corresponding to the atomic masses of 20 and 22. The parabola at 20 was attributed to 20Ne, but the nature of the much lighter parabola corresponding to a mass of 22 was unknown. Thompson believed it to be NeH2 or doubly charged CO2. Aston had a quite different hypothesis influenced by recent research into radioactivity.

Radiation was discovered by Henri Becquerel in 1896. Frederick Soddy coined the term isotope to describe radioactive elements with similar properties in 1913.5 Soddy realized that “[isotopes] are chemically identical, and, save only as regards the few physical properties which depend upon atomic masses directly, physically identical too.”5 Aston hypothesized that isotopes were not exclusive to radioactive elements. He thought the lighter path corresponding to a mass of 22 was due to 22Ne. If the isotopes were abundant in a ratio of 9:1 20Ne:22Ne, the average weight would be equal to the accepted weight of Ne gas, 20.2 amu. After several failed attempts to separate the components by fractional distillation, he halted his research and left The Cavendish Laboratory to join the war effort.

Aston returned to Cavendish after the war with a head full of ideas. Initial research had shown the limitations of the parabolic method they had been using. Although a good and easily quantifiable method, he realized precision could be improved. As stated by Aston, “many rays are lost by collision in the narrow canal-ray tube, the mean pressure in which must be at least half that in the discharge bulb; very fine tubes silt up by disintegration under bombardment; the total energy available for photography falls off as the fourth power of the diameter of the canal-ray tube.”7 He overcame the first obstacle by evacuating both chambers and the space between them as much as possible. Silt was done away with by replacing the canal-ray tube with one made of aluminum, a much more corrosion-resistant material. The real trouble with the method involved controlling the intensity of the parabolas without jeopardizing accuracy and precision. Aston sought to create the finest parabolas possible without sacrificing intensity or separation. He found that magnetic field strength was proportional to the ray thickness, but that any change in the magnetic field strength had to be offset by a corresponding change in the strength of the electrostatic field. Changing the electrostatic field strength directly affected the intensity by drawing out the parabolas. He eventually realized that using two parallel slits in the cathode could increase the beam intensity. With this method there was no change in beam dimensions. The positive beams were focused using a method described by Dempster in 1918.8 Aston stated that “beams of charged particles which are homogeneous electrically (constant mv2/e) or magnetically (constant mv/e) can be focused like rays of light,” but that those generated by a discharge bulb are heterogeneous both electrically and magnetically.9 His remedy for this problem was to design a device that focused rays of constant mass regardless of their velocity, which varied throughout the path. The focused beams were more intense and allowed the use of finer slits, further increasing the instrument’s accuracy.

The first incarnation of Aston’s mass spectrometer was a much more complex instrument than Thompson’s early design. The positive beam traveled toward the cathode through a low-pressure discharge tube. The beam would then pass through two narrow parallel slits in the cathode. The “resulting thin ribbon,” as Aston called it, “[was] spread out into an electric spectrum by means of the parallel plates.”9 A diaphragm was used to select which rays would pass through the magnetic field. This field deflected the rays toward a photographic plate, also designed by Aston. Of specific interest is the fact that Aston separated the two fields, whereas Thompson directly crossed them. Accurate quantification of relative masses was possible with this instrument, allowing Aston to begin his research on elemental masses.

He resumed research on neon gas after the completion of his first mass spectrometer in 1919. The first spectra had incredible resolution and accuracy compared to those created by the previous instrument. It once again showed the existence of parabolas corresponding to masses of both 20 and 22, although much more clearly. Still very confident in his theory of isotopes and isotopic abundance, Aston moved to other gases. He soon discovered chlorine existed as 35Cl and 37Cl, another surprising realization. Some elements, such a krypton, were more complex. Krypton itself had isotopes of 78, 80, 82, 83, 84 and 86. The method proved successful for a number of species, amounting to 27 elements by 1922.5 Aston’s work during this period was immensely important to chemistry and physics. He had proven the existence of isotopes of light, non-radioactive elements and had stumbled upon the realization that the masses of elements are whole numbers. The whole number rule, as it was called, had serious implications for atomic theory.

Aston initially saw the whole number rule simply as proof of his theories of isotopes and abundance. The combined research of Aston and Rutherford, however, had also led to the formulation of a feasible physical model of the atom. Rutherford determined that atoms consisted of a nucleus surrounded by mostly empty space during his experiments with gold foil. This basic description was improved by the whole number rule, which helped to describe the composition of the nucleus. The discovery of one deviation from the whole number rule, 1.008H, also had more weight than initially realized by Aston.

The 1920’s were an era of great advancement in chemistry and physics. Quantum theory was still in its infancy, unproven and extremely complicated. Physicists attempting to explain the structure of atoms and their relation to physical properties were baffled at first by Aston’s discovery, but soon devised an incredible theory. It was determined that the mass of hydrogen deviated from the whole number rule due to its physical nature. Using Einstein’s theory of mass-energy equivalence, it was decided that H deviated slightly from the rule because it is the only non-composite element. All other elements, composed of more than one H atom, have reduced masses due to the binding energy in the nucleus. Aston’s research reverberated throughout the scientific community. The success of his instrument was monumental, and in 1925 it was dismantled to provide parts for the second incarnation.

The second mass spectrometer had greatly improved resolution and accuracy. The care Aston took in designing the instrument was unprecedented. He focused the parabolic paths by using finer slits and orienting them a bit further apart. He altered the electric field by curving the potential plates and increasing the deflection to l/6 rad.5 The magnetic field was increased to 1.6T, and the design of the poles changed from a circular cross-section to a sickle shape. Most intriguing of all, Aston powered the instrument with 500 lead accumulators, designed and built by himself, which provided a constant voltage to within 1:105.5 The sole purpose of this instrument was to quantify deviations from the whole number rule. Accurate to a degree of l:10,000, the spectra obtained from the second mass spectrometer were of much higher resolution. For example, the spectra of Hg on his first instrument appeared to be a blur, but with the second Aston was able to identify six separate paths corresponding to the six isotopes of krypton. The third incarnation, built in 1937, trumped the former two with its accuracy of l:l00,000.l This development was of specific importance to nuclear scientists due to their need for extremely accurate mass values.

The significance of Aston’s research cannot be understated. His work on mass spectrometry directly influenced knowledge of atomic structure, elemental abundance, and the dependence of atomic properties on mass. Rightfully recognized for his contributions early in his career, Aston was presented the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1922. His later endeavors, however, saw no slump. Between 1910 and 1940 the work of Francis Aston fueled innovation in physics, chemistry and biology. The author of Aston’s Nature obituary, G.P. Thomson, remarked that “[the] use of isotopes as tracer elements both in chemistry and in biology is only in its early stage, but even now the results are highly important and it is difficult to put a limit on the possibilities of this field.”3 Incorporation of isotopes into modem chemical and biological techniques has increased exponentially in recent decades and, unbeknownst to Aston, who passed away in 1945, the mass spectrometer has become one of the most widely used analytical tools in the world.

- Fin -


1. Hevesy, G. Obituary Notices of the Fellows of the Royal Society 1948, 5, 1468-1475.
2. Downard, Kevin. Mass Spectrometry Reviews 2007, 26, 713-723.
3. Thomson, G. P. Nature 1946, 157, 290-292.
4. Carmichael, M.; Emeleus, K. Nature 1928, 121, 14.
5. Squires, Gordon. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Transactions 1998, 3893-3899.
6. Aston, F. W. Mass Spectra and Isotopes; Longman’s, Green & Co.: New York, 1933.
7. Ref. 6, p. 38.
8. Ref. 6, p. 28.
9. Ref. 6, p. 39.

Written by Nick Mulder, 2009.

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